The Science of Small Change - Andrew Huberman Podcast Notes


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I am listening to Podcasts since 2018 & Achieved a Lot in my life with the help of Podcasts. & Now I want to share the Knowledge of The Podcast for free to All of You.


So without any more further Introduction lets dive into the notes of The Knowledge Project Podcast notes of Andrew Huberman


How Light Exposure impacts how you sleep

- Morning signal of getting bright light in your eyes is absolutely vital.

- How does one do this?

            - The best and ideal way to do this would be to wake up, go outside, get some bright light in your eyes without sunglasses.

            - Ideal situation will be nice bright clear day and get five to twenty minutes of sunlight. and you should not have to look directly at it or any kind of light.

            -  I suggest that if you are waking up before the sun rises or sun is not very bright on your area, So in that case You should surround yourself by numerous bright lights.

- But sunlight is the Main Key.

- Blue light creates a state of alertness & well-being throughout the day.

- Light meter app you point it to the direction of Light and it will tell you How many Lux is coming from the Source.

- You should do it everyday & always look into the sunlight throughout the day.


- In the Evening, Eight, Nine or Ten PM start dimming the lights in your Environment. Dim the Light of Your SmartPhone.


- If people do those two things of Starting the day with Sunlight & ending the day with dimming the lights. They are going to see an outsized effect on their mental & Physical Health.


- We have a 24 hour clock in every our cells. If you start doing it regularly something really beautiful happens which is light inhibits melatonin the longer the day the shorter will be the melatonin signal. So in summer months your body will release very little melatonin & In winter because there's less light. So the Melatonin will release much more.

            - When you start getting regular morning light view & evening light viewing everyday. Your system fall in to a very regular pattern where you fell sleepy when you except or want to be.

Summary: Get as much bright light in your eyes ideally from sunlight throughout the day or when you want to be alert. & Limit your light in the Evening & Night.


 Huberman Evening Routine including supplements


- He stopped drinking caffeine around 1 or 2 P.M.

- His evening meals are more laid in with carbohydrates that they are proteins typically not everyday.

- Fasting and low carbohydrate meal that those lend themselves to more alertness and focus.

- When you eat a meal that is devoid of starches it creates a sense of alertness.

            - For dinner he eat pasta, rice or soups or something that includes more starches because starches are known to actually reduce cortisol levels in the body.


- Right around 8 or 9 PM. I start to bring the light level down.

- I shut down my mobile and get it out of the bedroom.

-  One of the absolute most powerful tools that come into my life from the last decade. It is a practice that i call Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR). NSDR is an umbrella term that admittedly that I created to include things like Yoga Nidra.

     - Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice. There's some scripts online many of them are very good. You can go to youtube and find one of these scripts. they are totally cost free.

            - Put in headphones or put your phone next you and lie down & its a 10 to 30 Minute script that walks you through a Progressive relaxation for your Nervous system.

            - This Practice does is it teaches you to deliberately turn off your thinking and to relax your body and it makes it easier for people to access falling asleep and more easily de-stress.

The question is when to NSDR

- You can do NSDR first thing in the morning, if you ever wake up and you did not get enough sleep.

- You can do it any point on the day. or You wake up in the Mid-Night & You're having trouble falling back asleep. I highly recommend doing this.


- The other resource that's really wonderful is something called REVERI. It is an app for android & Apple. You'll find improving sleep, focus, chronic pain, anxiety & I should say every one of those scripts & Reveri on the whole has excellent peer-reviewed clinical & Scientific Data.

            The Best time to do this is In the Morning, before you go to sleep at night or any time of day.

- I would recommend You to Watch the part of Supplements, because it is in High Detail.


 How to Adjust Sleeping conditions to optimize Sleep

- You should have Average temperature at the Beginning of Night(first two or three hours of sleep) then You should keep it cold until about three or four A.M. Point & then starting right around 4:45 your body is naturally heating but if you were allow it to heat up then I think you would wake up more quickly.


 - When you get into Cold Water as long as you don't stay in there to the point where you start becoming hypothermic you actually are increasing your metabolism and body heat.

             - So a lot of people take a cold shower into an ice bath early in the day because you get that shot of adrenaline & Cortisol you also get the release of a neuromodulator dopamine which is Incredible.


- How long to stay in cold Shower?  - Ideally You would do this for a total of 11 Minutes per week so that could be 11 , 1 Minute Sessions. It could be a couple two or three minute sessions.


- I also prefer to do Hot Shower, because it also works in the same way.

            - Best time to do That? - You could do it anytime but best time for things like growth hormone release for cardiovascular health & for a number of other effects. You could do it in Evening


 Huberman on Reading & Naps !

-  I love taking a 20 Minute Nap or NSDR. The rule on Nap should be shorter Than 90 Minutes & You should only take Naps when it will not Disturb Your Night time Sleep.


- Naps & NSDR Accelerates Neuroplasticity. You should take Naps within four to six hours after a very intense learning bout.


 Why people wake up in the Middle of Night

- There are couple of Things why people Wake up in the Middle of Night.

            1. They might not getting enough physical activity during the day or they're getting too Much.

            2. You can do cardiovascular Exercises.

            3. You should look into that are you need to go to bed Earlier.


 How Alcohol Affects Sleep?

- Key is to not do it too close to sleep.

- Alcohol lowers your Body Temperature but Your perception of that lower body temperature is Disrupted.


- Salt helps keep your brain feeling alert & focused. If you're feeling low in your day, go grab a water bottle & put a pinch of salt into It.

- Alcohol have different effects on different People. 


 How Caffeine Affects Sleep?

- It creates an artificial state of Alertness

- Caffeine also release Dopamine.

- Avoid to drink Caffeine After 3 or 4 PM. It will make Your Sleep Much Greater.

- Also Drink Caffeine after 90 to 120 Minutes after Waking Up.

- If you are a Addict of Caffeine. Try to not drink in morning, then in day & Soon You Will Found the Results.


 How to Control Your Impulses

- You Should have not Instant Gratification, You should Have Delayed gratification.


- You should have no-go's in the Day. No Go is basically to not going to any instant Gratification. It's like not Scrolling YouTube Or Instagram. because it will release dopamine in Your Mind & you will Have Instant Gratification.


- So What Huberman Do is building 90 minutes or 120 minutes of Undistracted Time. When he is Highly Focused. He not get up to the chair for any reason until the time Slot is Completed.


 How to get out of tunnel vision when you're stressed

- When we are relaxed we are in a Panoramic vision even without moving our eyes or head, We actually have a wider aperture field of view.

- If People are Super Relaxed their Pupil are very small & if people are very agitated or excited(in positive way) their pupils will be large.

-  When you're stressed you have a Narrow Aperture.

-  Your Visual System drives your time Perception System.


- If you're feeling stressed in conversation or public speaking or anything where you want to remain covert about that stress & you want to relax.

            - So Open up the aperture of your field of View.

            - The Other thing you can do is Exhale because in a very straightforward way inhale speed up your heart rate & exhales slow it down.


- The Fastest way to de-stress is known as Physiological sigh. It is actually something that you do every five minutes or so in sleep or wakefulness. In every Five Minutes, You Deep Breath & dumps the CO2 Instantly.

            - The Idea is you take big deep inhale & then you sneak in another inhale even if you feel you're not getting much in & ideally the inhale are done through Nose. and then long exhale through the Mouth.


 Exercises to slow brain & Aging

- One of the Ways to Improve Cognitive Function is to Make sure that there's appropriate amounts of glymphatic clearance. This Glymphatic clearance happens during sleep , one way to enhance it is to have the feet slightly elevated 10 to 15 degrees.

            - So Put a pillow under your ankles while sleeping in Night. It is very useful.


- Exercise during the day increases the rate of lymphatic clearance at night. You should do Push-ups, Pull ups, Jump Squats.


 How to Use the Body to Control Mind

- We can increase our stress Threshold so that our trigger threshold is much Higher and a way to do that is

            - Get Comfortable & stay in a no-go response under conditions where you have high level of adrenaline in your system(uncomfortable levels of adrenaline) that can be done by getting into

            - An ice bath or Cyclic Hyperventilation ( It means that sitting or lying down for ideally five minutes a day. It is a big active inhale through the nose & then a Passive exhale through the Mouth & repeat it 25 to 30 Times) & by doing that you are generating adrenaline release.

            -  & then after 25 to 30 breaths, you exhale all your air through your Mouth & you hold your breath and you try and be as calm as you can for about 15 to 60 Seconds. & then repeat the big active inhale & passive inhale & repeat the Process after 25 to 30 breaths. You should do all this 3 times. & After the 3rd round, You take a big gulp of air(lungs full) & you're going to sit as calmly as possible you can with lungs full. & then when you feel the impulse to breathe just exhale & start breathing normally

-  & that point You will thank Huberman because you're going to be extremely alert but you also going to feel very calm.

- & it will increase Your Stress Threshold.

Learning Milestone

Hi Friend, My Name is Anant Goyal the founder of Learning Milestone I am a student by profession but Blogger by passion. I have been doing blogging since 2021 and established a few digital online blogs and my success is nowhere hidden from my social community I am passionate about sharing my all learnings and experiences of Blogging, SEO, Google ranking and passive income tips to my readers and every Blogging Enthusiasts. I own a YouTube Channel with Name, Learning Milestone dedicated place to explore Education and facts. In Blogging journey you may fail at one point but i am here to hang you around me until you are willing to tie with me.

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