Joe Rogan Experience #1309 - Naval Ravikant Podcast Notes


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So without any more further Introduction lets dive into the notes of The Joe Rogan Experience Naval Ravikant Podcast.

 The Purpose of Following Different Domains

- This idea is followed by comparing life to mountain climbing.

            - Say for example, you wanna climb a specific mountain. And you spend your entire life trying to climb that specific mountain. And now you're two third's of the way. Now, you look at the situation and you think to yourself that I am not there yet but I am way up high. Now, to climb up further what you need to do is to go all the way down and find a new path. Now, nobody likes doing that.


Specialization is For Insects

- Every human is capable of every experience and every thought.

- Everyone should just be able to do everything, so i don't believe in this model anymore of trying to focus your life down on one thing that you have one life and do everything you're gonna do.

- People don't want to start over its very painful to go back down and look for a new path but that may be the best thing to do and that's why when you look at the greatest artists & creators they have this ability to start over that nobody else does like.

- You have to be willing to be a fool & kind of have that beginner's mind & go back to the beginning to start over.


Naval's Reading Process

- Naval Ravikant doesn't focus on reading books to completion.

- Your brain has finite space. It makes no sense to read many books.

- The Reality is I would rather read the best 100 books over & over again Until I absorb them rather than reading all the books.


Social Media

- Social Media has made all of us celebrities.

- Celebrities are the most miserable people in the World.

            - Because you have built a strong image.

            - And anyone can tear it apart.

            - And fun fact is that people wanna attack you because now you're famous.


 How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky - Naval Ravikant


- Everybody wants Basic 3 things In Their life -

            -  Wealth

            -  Happy

            -  Healthy


This is in the Naval Tweetstorm or Podcast of How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky


 18:04 - Naval's Idea on Happiness

- Happiness is a choice.

 - Don't have a tons of Desires.

 - Desires is a type of contract to You.


How Naval figured out how to be happy?

- This comes from the concept of desire.

- It's really old concept that says, "Every Desire is a Suffering."

- So at any point of time when you're not happy, think about the underlying desire that is not keeping you happy.

- But, here's the thing. You're a biological being and you will always have desires. So, what should you do?

            - Just choose one desire at a time and let the other ones go away.

            - And find that one obsession and work on it.

So a Happy, calm, peaceful person will make better decision & have better outcomes.

 19:50 - We live in the age of Infinite Leverage

- Having a clear mind leads to better judgment and that leads outcomes.

- So, a clear think can make better outcomes and operate at peak performance

            - So, you have to learn how to tame your mind in a similar way you learn how to tame your body.


- How much output you will get depends on -

            What you do, Who you do with, how you do it

way more important that how hard you work.


Will Technology Eliminate the Number of Jobs

- Technology takes away jobs but it ends up creating new and more creative jobs.


Naval's Idea on AI

- We don’t even understand what really happens inside a cell, let alone the brain.

- Intelligence is relevant only in its surrounding environment.

            - Because reality is parsimonious, there is so much going inside of the cell that we cannot account for.

            - It will take at least 50 years to figure it out, and probably like 100 years to develop a brain.



Ability to Broadcast

- Everyone can broadcast anything at anytime.

  "If you wanna see who rules over you, see who you're not allowed to criticize."

- It’s also easy to set a mob and take someone out online.

- People who get outraged really quickly are the stupidest people on social media.


- Social Media apps are weaponized because the best minds of our generation are involved in these companies try to make them as addictive as possible.


Modern Struggle

- The ancient struggle used to be the tribal struggle, where the struggle was fighting against other tribes.

- But the modern struggle is that you're alone, you live in your house alone. You don't have a religion. You don't believe in god anymore.

- Everything is weaponized.

            - Social Media has messages all the mechanism, like a skinner's mechanism, who is gonna click and can't put the phone down.

            - Food has been weaponized.

            - Drugs have been synthesized.

            - Porn has been weaponized.

            - Video Games have been weaponized too.

- The modern struggle is fighting against everything and setting your own boundaries, and the worst part is that you're alone.

- Facebook and all of these social media platforms are resulting into slow suicides.



- News has become commoditized.

- The most powerful people on the planet, are the ones who are writing the algorithms for these specific social media apps. Because they are literally controlling the flow of information.

- The day is coming where the congress leaders would realize that these social media apps are the ones who are picking up the next President.


Clear Thinking

- You want to be a clear thinker, your beliefs don't have to necessarily align with your neighbors or your friends, if it does then you're not a clear thinker because you have socialized your thinking. That's one of the reasons why you can't pay much attention to politics.


- The solution of these modern day problems are stay alone.

- Being alone and enjoying it is a superpower i.e., the art of doing nothing. It is literally the definition of meditation.

 All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone - Pascal

- Meditation is self-therapy.

 It’s easier to change yourself than to change the world.

- When you're have to memorize something, it is a clear indication that you don't understand something.

- You should be able to read and write things anywhere you want, otherwise you don't understand it.

- A good book you can read one page at night and then spend the rest of the night reasoning about it.

 1:26:00 - Learning

- Being forced to articulate thoughts helps to understand them more than simply sit in a room and think about them.

            - That's the reason it's better to either journal them or Tweet them so you can have somebody tell you what's right what wrong, because when you're saying things to yourself, you kind of like have this bias and you can't prove yourself wrong and your ideas wrong.

- Understanding the basics of reasoning is better than memorizing advanced concepts.

- Professor Richard Feynman has this things where takes you from numbers to calculus in just a couple of minutes which is 4 pages on written, because he understands the concepts really well. He never had to memorize any of these things because he just understood them pretty well.

- When you're have to memorize something, it is a clear indication that you don't understand something.

- You should be able to read and write things anywhere you want, otherwise you don't understand it.

- A good book you can read one page at night and then spend the rest of the night reasoning about it.

 Meaning of Life

- The question is more interesting than the answer.

- The meaning of life is a “why” set of questions and it’s endless.

- You end up with Agrippa's trilemma where you have only the following 3 dead ends:

            1. Infinite Regress: One leads to another and to other.

            2. Circular Reasoning: It's in a case where 'a' leads to 'b' and 'b' again leads back to 'a'.

            3. Axiom: One solid answer that we don't know the correct reasoning for, like god or the universe or the big bang.

- The only answer is 'because' meaning that we need to make up our own answer for the meaning of life.

- If there was a single answer, then we all would have been trapped because then we would have had to live up to that.

- All the great questions are paradoxes.

            - For example, do I even matter?

            - To define you, you have to define the entire universe. So, in that case the answer to this specific question is that I am nothing and I am also everything, which is indeed a paradox.

- Thinking about them gives you insights that bring you a certain level of peace.


Let's you get rich first


- Joe Rogan: When you start asking questions like this, it's more often than not really just accentuated by I gotta get the fuck out of this job.

- Naval Ravikant: That's the reason, I tell people: Let's get you rich first.

- In the past to be happy you would give up everything and become a monk, i.e. giving everything to be free.

- Now, in the modern age, we have something known as money. So, the solution to get everyone happy is to give them what they want. Everyone can be rich.

- There is no get rich quick fix, it's somebody getting rich of you. Imagine if tomorrow everybody was trained in software and engineering. We would create all the animation necessary not to work anymore and just focus on creativity.

- Richness is about education. The universe has infinite resources.


Peace from Mind

- Lack of material possession can make you unhappy but material possession won’t make you happy.

- If you are smart you should be able to figure out how to be happy.

- A lot of people who are considered smart are considered because of there thinking, not

- Busy minds, called also monkey minds are not peaceful.

- You have to develop peace FROM mind not peace OF mind.

- There’s a fundamental delusion about thinking that there’s something external to us that can bring us peace and happiness.

- Some people classify it as some form of retirement. But, the real answer is death, where you get complete peace.


- What you really wanna do is solve your money problems. It can either done by lowering your status or making too much money. And in both the scenarios you just simply wanna retire.

- Retirement is not when you get a steady paycheck. It's when you stop sacrificing today for an imaginary tomorrow.

            - To do that there are three ways:

                                    1. You have so much money saved that you're able to live off passive money.

                                    2. You become a monk.

                                    3. You do something you love so its not about money.

            - The best is combination of 1 and 3. You know how to do that better than everybody cause you love to do that and have ownership and equity.

The Right Way of Making Money

- The best way to make money is by giving something to society that they need at scale that it yet doesn't know how to get.

- The biggest money makers are individual brands: Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, etc.

            - It's because you have specific knowledge,

- Focus on being authentic, unique, creative and not replaceable. That's the best way to get ahead of competition. And leverage it, get your name on it. And get your equity or a piece of the business.

- Setting things as rewards and being stuck in a 40 hour week is one if the biggest traps.

  > "There are 2 great addictions: heroine and a monthly salary."

- You have to ignore your peers.

            - “Keeping up with the Jones” is a big trap.

            - Also, don't really change the definition of your peers.

- Envy makes the world go around

- “That’s easy for you to say” is the biggest trap

- Stop thinking it’s someone else’s fault.

  > "Your real resume is just a catalog of all your sufferings" - Naval Ravikant

- When you die and you're on your death bed, the only thing you're going to remember is all the sufferings. Everything that you already had is going to be taken for granted.

- So, you have to hard things anyway to define your meaning of life.

- The most terrible life is being born into rich, there is no purpose.

- A lot of people live by victim mentality, and it is definitely not a healthy way to live.

- Life is just a single player games. The way you perceive things will shape your external reality as well as internal reality.

- If you judge others you’re gonna separate yourself, feel lonely and negative.

- Reality is neutral, it is parsimonious and how you interpret it, is your choice alone,

Naval on Happiness

- Life is short, you’re gonna die, choose to be happy.

  "Every man has two lives and the second one starts when he realizes he has just one." - Confucius

  "The next time you get sick. A happy person wants 10,000 things. A sick person only wants one thing."

- Desire is suffering.

            - It is one of the oldest pieces of wisdom.

            - Choose wisely. Choose one desire at a time.

- Force yourself to be positive until it becomes automatic.

- Smile more, hug more, get sunlight, spend time in nature, meditate are the simple keys to happiness because they release serotonin.

- The way I (Naval), got out of poverty is not being smart but rather by acting smart.

- Trying to sound smart is a disease.

- Good question about it: “Would I be still interested in this thing if I could not tell anyone?”

- Whatever you're good at right now is because you were a loser at it at some point in your life.

            - Imagine if you got your first dream job.

            - Imagine if you got your first crush to be your wife.

            - Your life would definitely be miserable.

- If you're successful you’re gonna be inundated by inbound opportunities that you cannot manage and it’s harder to pick up something you by yourself.

Aspirational value of Time

- You’re never gonna make more money than you think you’re worth.

- Pick an aspiration hourly rate and be extremely jealous of your time.

- This will help you define the cost of things like meetings or business travels.

- Embrace what you’re doing at the moment.

            - Because you're never going to be perfectly happy.

            - What you wanted in your life, when you got it. In a couple of days your brain has just hedonically adapted to it.

- Your life is just full of high and lows and the more highs you get, the more harder it is to define your highs.


What are the things that excite Naval the most?

- Do art, creativity, love. Do things for their own sake.

- Art and Learning is the most valuable experiences.

- Work should feel like play to you and work to everyone else otherwise you would be replaced.

- Because you play 16 hours a day and do it 7 days a week you're going to be noncompetitive.

Learning Milestone

Hi Friend, My Name is Anant Goyal the founder of Learning Milestone I am a student by profession but Blogger by passion. I have been doing blogging since 2021 and established a few digital online blogs and my success is nowhere hidden from my social community I am passionate about sharing my all learnings and experiences of Blogging, SEO, Google ranking and passive income tips to my readers and every Blogging Enthusiasts. I own a YouTube Channel with Name, Learning Milestone dedicated place to explore Education and facts. In Blogging journey you may fail at one point but i am here to hang you around me until you are willing to tie with me.

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